Create more green spaces in towns for adventure, nature reconnection

View of the newly revamped Uhuru Park on April 18, 2024.

Photo credit: Wilfred Nyangaresi | Nation Media Group

The integration of people and nature is as old as time. As we navigate a world brimming with technology and urbanization, there's a compelling desire among Kenyans to reconnect with nature. Many are now seeking thrilling outdoor activities, emphasizing the need to preserve and restore our natural spaces. These green areas are not only playgrounds for thrill-seekers but also vital components of our ecosystem that demand our protection and stewardship.

Combining sporting activities with nature does more than enhance our mental and physical well-being. It creates a platform for environmental advocacy, engaging sports teams, event organizers, brands, and both the private and public sectors in a shared mission. Environmental stewardship is a collective responsibility and should be ingrained in our daily practices, not relegated to a Corporate Social Responsibility obligation.

In recent years, Kenyans have increasingly embraced outdoor sports traditionally seen as tourist activities. Adventure sports have become a new frontier, with communities and professional groups coming together to run, hike, motor race, and cycle in pristine landscapes like Karura Forest, Ngong Hills, Aberdare National Park, and Mt. Kenya Forest. These activities take participants off the beaten path and deep into the heart of nature. This rising demand for nature-centred sports presents a unique opportunity for urban planners to create more green spaces, fostering a deeper connection between people and nature and providing brands with avenues to engage with consumers.

White Cap Lager, under the Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) umbrella, has long championed conservation and environmental sustainability through ongoing initiatives aimed at restoring our ecosystems. Our efforts are designed to preserve Kenya's natural beauty for current and future generations.

As a brand, our mission extends beyond advocating for responsible drinking; we also stand at the forefront of environmental sustainability. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint in both sourcing and manufacturing processes, promoting a sustainable future where people harmonize with nature. This includes encouraging proper waste management practices that advance conservation efforts.

In the spirit of adventure, White Cap has renewed its partnership with the Rhino Ark Charitable Trust for the fourth consecutive year, sponsoring the annual Rhino Charge. This off-road motorsport event is dedicated to raising funds for environmental conservation, blending fun with purpose.

Last year, the competition in Nkoteiya, Samburu County, raised KES 173 million, dedicated to conserving mountain ecosystems and water towers. Over its 35-year history, the Rhino Charge has raised KES 1.9 billion, supporting vital conservation projects managed by Rhino Ark.

The impact of events like Rhino Charge is profound. Planting trees post-event to protect water catchment areas, erecting fences to safeguard wildlife, and promoting community cohesion by reducing human-wildlife conflict are long-term interventions aimed at creating a habitable future through sports. Rhino Ark's fencing efforts have reduced human-wildlife conflict by 97%, simultaneously improving the socio-economic welfare of people living within these protected ecosystems.

Our commitment to the environment and afforestation aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 13, which calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Each of us will be affected in some way by climate change, and it is imperative that we take action now.

I invite you all to join hands with us in this mission. Together, we can make a significant impact on our environment and embrace our role as ambassadors for our surroundings. Without a healthy ecosystem, there can be no sports. Let's work together to ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.

The Writer is the Kenya Breweries Limited Managing Director.

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